I know it has been a while since I updated this blog, not because I don't want to, just because we have been busy with work,school,therapies,etc. These photos were taken on Halloween night. Michael was a Ninja. The boys had the day off of school, so we had been running errands and working on Nick's costume ALL day. Honestly, I was glad to get the night over with. I heated up some ravioli for dinner, and we went out trick-or-treating first with the neighbors and their kids. After about an hour doing that,Michael and I dropped Nick off at home(he was getting out of sorts) and then just Michael and I went out. It was great just walking with him down the street, chatting about things, enjoying the nice weather. Just him and I. No yelling, no homework, no pesky little brothers, no rush. It was nice. Since then, the weather has turned much colder and wetter, and we are back to reality. Now we are being forced to change schools-after we fought to get Michael accepted into his current school, now we are being told that both boys will have to attend the school closer to us because too many kids from our neighborhood are going where they are at now. UGH! I love the school they are at now!! That is the reason we chose that school! Tuesday night we watched the election, and needless to say were quite happy with the results! Michael was so excited that Obama won! He was really into this election, and they even had a pretend election at school(although, he will tell you it was real..LOL!) He was watching as every state reported their ballots, and for a while, it looked like Florida was going for "the other guy", Michael flat out yelled "Mommy! We got to call Nana and tell her to change her vote!!" LOL! It was funny. Typical Michael.