Michael had another growth check today with Dr M. His appointment was at 9:45, and by some miracle we were actually on time! Nick had an early morning therapy session at 8:30, so I had to take Michael. I picked him up from school at 9am-and we were off. I managed to find a parking space fairly quickly(also a miracle!) and we were in the waiting area by 9:30. The receptionist handed me his records-which I exclaimed to Michael "You have a NOVEL here!" and put the whole folder in our time slot on the wall. He got his vitals taken (he is an old pro at this stuff) and then we waited for about 45 minutes to see Dr M.
Dr M gave Michael a thorough look see; and asked his usual questions. "Any headaches?", "Any dry skin?", "Blurred vision?, nausea, swelling?" All of them were "Nope". He then plotted Michael's growth on the charts. He has finally made it back up to the 5th percentiles. He was way below those when we started; so that was nice to see. Dr M increased his doseage to 8 "clicks" on our current cartridges, then he prescribed some new ones in which we then give him only 2 "clicks"-but it is a greater "potency" I should say. So, we are to finish out our remaining meds at 8 "clicks", and then go on to the new meds. He wants us back in mid-January for another work-up. They will draw blood to measure his hormone levels, and do another bone scan then. He also gave us permission to take a night off each week. Which was completely fine with Michael!
Michael measured in at 46.5" and hovering around 50 pounds. Please pray that the increased dose does not give him any negative side effects(other than growing). I gave him the first dose tonight with the 8 "clicks" so we shall see. He is very excited about the thought of getting even bigger than he is now-but we are always leary of any aches or pains-especially headaches.